Category: edci339

QingZe Luo’s Digital Portfolio

Part 1:

During the course, I did reading the corresponding material to develop my knowledge of the distributed and open learning. During this course I have read “International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning”, “Design Principles for Indigenous Learning Spaces”, “Teaching Online : A Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice” and “CRITICAL DIGITAL PEDAGOGY” : A DEFINITION”. And I have a deeper understanding of what this course teaches, such as “Once you gave the way to spy on other people’s information, then “they” will make the excuese to keep spy on your phone again and again, and shortly after, it is illegal to not allow sharing your personal information with “them”.”(from post 1 ) I learned the importance of privacy in distance learning, or in post 2( that: “Online learning can be an auxiliary tool for face-to-face learning. For example, after covid, almost all UVic courses have office hours in the form of Zoom, so that teachers and students are no longer limited by location, which is the best application I have seen so far.” , I learned what is a good online program deisgn. in post 3( “How to get people to actively use your new software and website is a very big design challenge.”, I found that we need to not only focous the main group, but also different people with different culture back groud when design a e-learning website or course structure, and lastly, in post 4( , ” so we made a five-point usage specification: preserve, modify, remix, redistribute, but from my point view, I think there should be one more: “update”, from my experience, people are using the same resourse year by year, which there are many information are already out dated, we should also check the information on those online resourses to make sure our students are at the front of the knowledge.”, I have saw that in order to provide the knowledge to as many as we can, many scholar has give up the copy right of their video, post and podcasts, I am really moved when I was reading this part. From this course, I have learned the importance of the distance learning in the human right, course structure, the way to provide the education and the effort people are making nowdays. This leanring matters to me because form the world we are in right now, the online and distance learning will be come more and more common, we have to adapt to the situations and prepare for possible future teaching models. Other than that, I have also chat with the Pod member when we were doing the group assignment, we have talked a lot about the person we made, how he overcome the difficulties (fig 1)

(fig 1)

(fig 2)


part 2:

After reading the comment from my pod number Jialong (fig 3) on my topic 4(the original post link: ) post, I decide to update(update verison: ) my post with one more element: “examine” to give much more support to people who are rely on the online eduction while I am still agree what I think before in the topic 4, with this one more element will be much better to support the educator and students.

(fig 3)

In the end, I would like to thank all my group members and professor Rbanow, I have learned a lot within this month, and I can’t be done without you, again, thank you very much!

Topic 4 update-version Topic 4 The thoughts of the “open pedagogy” resources

After reading the “International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning”,  I think Daniel’s definition of “open pedagogy” is very precise, “that treats the student as an intellectual equal”

As the internet continues to grow, “open pedagogy” and a student-centred approach are finally realized. Most people think it is more appropriate to define open pedagogy as a broad range of attributes from participatory technology to innovation and creativity.  The “open pedagogy” is also inseparable from open educational resources, such as open educational resources, videos, and podcasts. However, the link between OER and open teaching method also has shortcomings. Simply showing OER to children is not a good teaching method.

Of course, when people use these open resources, copyright has also become a headache, so we made a five-point usage specification: preserve, modify, remix, redistribute, but from my point view, I think there should be one more: “update”, from my experience, people are using the same resourse year by year, which there are many information are already out dated, we should also check the information on those online resourses to make sure our students are at the front of the knowledge.

There is one more thing I want to mention is that people should also examine the content in the free online material, because sometime it may has flase information, but because is a free material that no one willing to find out, we have to tech people with the right knowledge while providing the free education.

Hence, I really like the idea the author was thinking, which is propose a new term : “OER-enabled pedagogy”. Education should be a basic human right, and online open learning enables people who cannot afford high tuition/textbook fees to have the power to learn.



  1. Wiley, D., & Hilton III, J. L. (2018). Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(4).

Topic 4 The thoughts of the “open pedagogy” resources

After reading the “International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning”,  I think Daniel’s definition of “open pedagogy” is very precise, “that treats the student as an intellectual equal”

As the internet continues to grow, “open pedagogy” and a student-centred approach are finally realized. Most people think it is more appropriate to define open pedagogy as a broad range of attributes from participatory technology to innovation and creativity.  The “open pedagogy” is also inseparable from open educational resources, such as open educational resources, videos, and podcasts. However, the link between OER and open teaching method also has shortcomings. Simply showing OER to children is not a good teaching method.

Of course, when people use these open resources, copyright has also become a headache, so we made a five-point usage specification: preserve, modify, remix, redistribute, but from my point view, I think there should be one more: “update”, from my experience, people are using the same resourse year by year, which there are many information are already out dated, we should also check the information on those online resourses to make sure our students are at the front of the knowledge.

Hence, I really like the idea the author was thinking, which is propose a new term : “OER-enabled pedagogy”. Education should be a basic human right, and online open learning enables people who cannot afford high tuition/textbook fees to have the power to learn.



  1. Wiley, D., & Hilton III, J. L. (2018). Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(4).



While reading the reading material, I was very interested in the design of the website. In the article “Design Principles for Indigenous Learning Spaces”, the article has been highlighting the importance of different designs for websites to better target specific audiences. As a Computer Science student, I think this will be of great help to my future study and work. In my previous programming, I never considered “design”, but simply designed software or web pages and used them. But after reading the article, I realized that there is a good chance that my website and programs are not helping a certain group of people, but rather annoying them.

Outside of college assignments, I can also add my design ideas to it by creating my personal website or program. This will also be of great help to my future work after graduation. For example, in 2019, when all courses were turned online, many students were confused by online learning software, because the design of these software is not reasonable, and can even be described as bad.

In the end, I think not only should we read this article on how to improve the structure of e-learning, but everyone who designs for e-learning software should read it and think about how I can improve these websites and software. Because people prefer to stay in what they know well, whenever a new software or website comes out, people subconsciously don’t use it. How to get people to actively use your new software and website is a very big design challenge.


After Teaching Online : A Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice, I realized how important course structure is to learning online courses. The two main structures are open course and closed course. Closed courses will only provide teaching for students who formally sign up for this course, while open courses are the exact opposite. I personally prefer open courses, but open courses will also impose a certain burden on teachers, and some people who are not interested in learning may also disrupt the order of the classroom, so the two structures are mainly mixed nowdays, which those two structure are not contradiction to each other.

And another byproduct of online learning: social media, is also a teaching method with clear pros and cons. On the one hand, making students pay attention to social media to understand what is going on in society, and assigning homework in this way can also enable students to apply what they have learned to real life early, but on the other hand It is easy to be incited by saying that students do not have enough experience with social events. So my point of view is that teachers filter social media content before handing it over to students, that is, let students focus only on what they need to know, and not by other content on social media (advertising, games, political content) as a distraction.

In the end I believe that online learning will never replace real in person learning, at least not for the foreseeable future. But online learning can be an auxiliary tool for face-to-face learning. For example, after covid, almost all UVic courses have office hours in the form of Zoom, so that teachers and students are no longer limited by location, which is the best application I have seen so far.


  1. Major, C.H. (2015) Teaching Online – A Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice. John Hopkins University Press.
  2. Weller, M. & Jordan K. (2017) Openness and Education: A beginner’s guide. Global OER Graduate Network.

Topic 1 Post Move from BrightSpace

After reading 《CRITICAL DIGITAL PEDAGOGY: A DEFINITION》, I agree with the author that current education is influenced by politics, capital, etc. In the era of developed Internet, we are easily instigated by the Internet and the media. The Internet is supposed to provide more  convenient channels for us to fetch information, but many non-objective, inflammatory and misleading information has become mainstream that we cannot find the information we actually need. Being able to look at things objectively is one of the few precious virtues in this era. This has also led to many contradictions that should not have been created by the media.

But at the same time, I do not think that the internet is useless. Nowadays, in many fields, artificial intelligence and big data analysis are extremely dependent on the network. In the future, the network and computers will enter almost all fileds of job to provide convenience for us.

I strong disagree with Bloom’s idea, which is collecting data from students. I had similar idea with Apple on this point. A few years ago, a criminal who was using an iPhone was arrested by the FBI. When the FBI asked Apple to unlock the phone, Apple said aloud “No”, And issued a statement saying that Apple has no ability or backdoor to unlock anyone’s iPhone. Alought unlock that phone may help FBI to find other criminal and stop the potential harm, but I think unless the criminal agrees to unlock the phone, there should not be other way for FBI or government to get the infromation from that phone. Once you gave the way to spy on other people’s information, then “they” will make the excuese to keep spy on your phone again and again, and shortly after, it is illegal to not allow sharing your personal information with “them”.

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